Covid Safety

Hygienic, safe and clean. Organic Facility Management

Covid Safety

As the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) increases in Australia and internationally, we want to assure you of Organic Facility Management commitment to ensure business continuity and provide a safe environment for our respective employees and customers.

We have implemented a series of policies to minimize risks for our staff, customers and extended families. Our priorities are to maintain a healthy workplace for our contractor’s and to sustain operational capacity. COVID-19 remains a situation that is changing rapidly and we will continue to work with the relevant authorities and make any changes should it be deemed necessary.

The situation is continually evolving and individuals as well as those responsible for others need to stay informed and make decisions based on information from reliable sources, such as the Australian Government Department of Health

The Victorian Government has made some changes to the requirements for commercial cleaning businesses and workers.

As a cleaning business you must:

  • have a covid safety plan that is regularly reviewed and updated
  • ensure cleaners disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, handrails and taps using anti-viral disinfectant at least twice a day
  • ensure cleaners wear a face mask when cleaning public transport and in some retail settings (shopping centres, large retailers, supermarkets). Face masks are recommended when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • keep a record of all workers who attend your workplace for longer than 15 minutes, including first name, contact number, date and time of visit and areas of the workplace visited. Employers are strongly recommended to use electronic record keeping for this purpose. This includes the Victorian Government’s QR Code Service.
  • keep records to show compliance including rosters, time and attendance records and payroll data.
  • cleaners may be required to wear personal protective equipment.
  • meet additional cleaning, disinfection and hygiene requirements

Covid Safe Plan

As the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) increases in Australia and internationally, we want to assure you of Organic Facility Management commitment to ensure business continuity and provide a safe environment for our respective employees and customers

Risk Minimization

We have implemented a series of policies to minimize risks for our staff, customers and extended families. Our priorities are to maintain a healthy workplace for our contractor’s and to sustain operational capacity. COVID-19 remains a situation that is changing rapidly and we will continue to work with the relevant authorities and make any changes should it be deemed necessary.

The situation is continually evolving and individuals as well as those responsible for others need to stay informed and make decisions based on information from reliable sources, such as the Australian Government Department of Health.

Actions implemented within the business to date include:

  • Increased focus on personal hygiene for all our contractors
    Ensured the availability of hand sanitizers in our vehicles and on our persons.
  • Avoiding close contact with people with cold/flu like symptoms.
  • Staff advised when coughing or sneezing to cover mouths/nose with flexed elbow or tissue and immediately washing hands/throwing away tissue/use hand sanitizer.
  • Frequently cleaning hands either with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Proper hand washing technique.
  • Wiping down all tools of the trade including work vehicles.
  • Isolating work area where the work is being carried out.

Minimal Touch Practices (information supplied to our employees)

  • Please avoid shaking hands.
  • Maintain a ‘social distance’ of 1.5 meter between yourself and others
  • Please be cautious about surfaces you touch, especially in public places
  • Handle cash, cards, pens and pencils carefully and use good hygiene practices.
  • Over all just being conscious about touching people and surfaces and wash your hands regularly.


  • Contractors have been advised that if it is confirmed that they have COVID-19, been in contact with any-one who is known to have COVID-19 or have travelled in the last month or develop any symptoms to self-isolate for at least 14days. They have been advised to follow Government health recommendations whilst in self-isolation.
  • All non-essential interstate travel and any overseas travel is no longer permitted for contractors

We encourage you to remain in contact with us in regards to all aspects of your requirements as we strive to maintain as close to normal operations as possible. Rest assured we are actively monitoring the escalating events, and will continue to review and implement procedures and action plans. We will keep you informed of any changes.

Please do not hesitate to contact us and thank you for your ongoing support.